DO NOT use this form to ask questions or make comments..
DO NOT use this form to submit errors, use the built-in error reporting tool (see the FAQ on how to find it).
DO NOT use this form to submit suggestions, comments, praise, and hurl insults in the forum or in the blog.
DO NOT use this form if you are hosting through me. I will take care of you. Email me. You have my email address, right?
PLEASE DO use this form to report bugs and glitches that do not generate error messages. |
I do not generally reply to bug reports. I will only reply if I have a question. I will not peronally fix your copy of CF Shopkart, so don't ask ;-)
Updates will be provided to address issues (hopefully the automatic update tool will work in your install). You can manually update if you need to. All updates will be made available for download (in the downloads section).